This Kill Bill movie poster installation was apparently placed near a busy Auckland intersection to promote a local channel’s screening of the movie. It is quite possibly the greatest movie poster / promotion of all time.
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Ha, that’s just awsome! 😀 i like how the “blood” goes outside the poster 😀
haha… wow thats awesome. Guess they paid extra for that 😀
Tom – StandOutBlogger.coms last blog post..1 Month Blog Flipping Challenge
How did the paint got on the car?
Rais last blog post..Kobe Bryant Can Fly!
I would imagine they are prop cars.
Concept stolen from a “The Simpsons” episode. nothing original here, not even used cleverly. What exactly is the blade cutting? lazy
“Concept stolen from a “The Simpsons†episode. nothing original here, not even used cleverly. What exactly is the blade cutting? lazy”
you sucking on the Simpsons c**k isn’t going to make the show remotely funny anymore, you know.
I don’t even watch the show anymore, STFU.
I imagine the two cars that have red paint on them are props and the paint on the road/pavement may have been done with removable paint (with a jet wash).
Great!! Very impressive! 😀
Johns last blog post..Hillary The Movie
Oh wow.. that looks awesome. It’d be nice to have something like that up at the theatre I work at!
Joes last blog post..Movies This Weekend! 8/1/08
That is awesome! I wish my town was big enough to get ads that cool.
Stan-Lees last blog post..DVD RE-View: Six Days in Roswell, Special Edition
I want to know what the blood actually is that is rain resistant and can still be washed off. Very cool!
Rays last blog post..Echelon Smart Cities: Green Energy Savings
Very unusual and brilliiantly engaging, the only thing missing is the Pussy Wagonfrom the hospital scene.
This poster is really good, original..
It is a nice concept for such a movie.. but, Isn’t the angle of the cut and the direction of blood spurting from it all wrong??
maybe it is not and I know its just some silly ad,
but it kinda spoils the whole thing for me..
.-= AKMA´s last blog ..How to increase your Jelly Battle rank – [Cheats] [Spoiler] =-.
If you want to read more about the original Bill, check out “David Carradine: The Eye of My Tornado”. It should talk about Carradine’s tragic death.