MTV, Pumpkins, And WASSSUP!

MTV appears to be going back to its roots. Somewhat. MTV Music is a website that is new, clean, and has piles of music videos. All of which are embeddable in your favorite website or blog. I will prove this point by embedding one of my favorite videos of all time. “Warning” by Green Day. This video makes me laugh every time I see it.

I found these paper mache pumpkins, and they are awesome. When the kids get a little older, we are going to have to try this.

Let me take you back a few years now. Remember the famous WASSSSUP video? If you were alive and on the internet about 8 years ago, you probably couldn’t have missed it. It was one of the first big internet hits that I can personally remember. (That and something about some golf balls.) For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about, you can watch the original video here.

The new updated for 2008 version is embedded below. The boys have been through a lot over the years.

And that is all I’ve got for today.

Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Halloween!