Over the last couple years, an increasingly popular trend online has been to create and share colorized photos from history. Artists such as Jordan Lloyd, Dana Keller and Sanna Dullaway take intriguing old black-and-white photos and bring them to life with color as if they’d been taken only yesterday.
Here are some examples…
Unemployed Lumber Worker and His Wife, circa 1939
Testing the Hydrogen Bomb
London, 1945
Hindenburg Disaster, 1937
Japanese Archers, circa 1860
View from the Capitol in Nashville, 1864
Audrey Hepburn
Albert Einstein in Long Island, 1939
Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels scowls at a Jewish photographer, 1933
Baltimore Slums, 1938
British Troops Board Their Train for the Front, 1939
Oscar II, King of Sweden and Norway, 1880
Walt Whitman, 1887
Mark Twain, circa 1900
Charlie Chaplin, 1916
Elizabeth Taylor, 1956
Country store, 1939
Washington D. C., 1921
Charles Darwin, 1874
Abraham Lincoln, 1865
Theodore Roosevelt
Louisville, Kentucky, 1937
Big Jay McNeely, Olympic Auditorium, 1953
Thich Quang Duc’s self-immolation, 1963
Anne Frank, 1942
Nicola Tesla
Kissing the War Goodbye, 1945
For more colorized photos, visit Dynamichrome, Past in Colour, History in Color, the popular subreddit Colorized History, or (in book form) Colorized Photographs.
(via Imgur)