The Nintendo Wii Project

A joint venture between Canucklehead and I has began. We have created a Nintendo Wii oriented magazine style website. If you would like to see it, it is located at Even though there are a lot of miles between the two of us, our desire for all things Wii is the same.

With the Wii becoming ever more popular, it was a logical choice to create this. If you have a Wii, or know someone who does, please take a moment, visit our new site, leave a comment, and stumble it if you think it is worth it.


My Wii News

6 thoughts on “The Nintendo Wii Project”

  1. 😎

    The Wii is awesome! Once again, Nintendo has revolutionized the video game industry. From old school games, to the Texas Holdem Poker craze generation, you can play it all on the Wii. The graphics may not be top of the line, but the interaction and new strategy of play style is unprecedented. I love playing poker tournaments and online games on the Wii. Thanks for creating this great resource for Wii users.

  2. Looks like an interesting site, loads of info for Wii lovers! Thanks very much! I think the Wii will always be my second console of choice behind the xbox 360 but it certainly gets people up and playing!

  3. 😯
    Thats great thanks for the Links Bucky and goodluck with everything Wii, The wii is a great console and im sure we will see many improvements and Wii developments in the future so we know where to stay posted.

    wiitrackers last blog post..1

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