Amusing Winamp Error

My coworker beckons me to his office. “Another computer problem”, I thought. “Another  waste of my time”.

I’m not the IT guy, and I don’t get paid to do IT, but everyone wants me to fix their computer / printers / copier problems. Why? Because I’m damn good at it. And a helluva lot better (and faster) at it than the guy that is getting paid to do IT.

“Winamp quit working, and all I get is this error. I can’t work without music! Please save me Mr. computer guy!”

Me, being the intelligent / compassionate guy that I am, proceeded to fix whatever it was that he broke. I literally lol’d at the error message on his screen. I took a quick snapshot of it so I could share it.


The Winamp coders have a sense of humor. Who woulda thunk it?

“This should never really happen”. Guess what chump, it did. 🙂

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