Gamer clan claims to steal 10 Xbox Live accounts every day

xbox live Reports of fraud and theft on Xbox Live are being investigated by Microsoft, amidst claims that gaming clans are stealing up to 10 accounts a day.The Xbox Live online gaming network has more than 6 million subscribers.

“Recently, there have been reports of fraudulent activity and account theft taking place on the Xbox Live network. Security is a top priority for Xbox Live, and we are actively investigating all reports of fraudulent behavior and theft,” said Microsoft in a statement to CNET.

By “recently” Microsoft must obviously mean several months, as Xbox Live users have been reporting the theft of accounts since at least November, and many have been frustrated with Microsoft’s “cancel your credit card, keep your details safe” stock response.

CNet highlighted the case of Kevin Finisterre who alleges that his, and his girlfriend´s Xbox Live accounts were hijacked by their online opponents after a game of Halo. Seven calls to the Xbox Support Line were no help.

One gaming clan site claims to steal at least ten Xbox Live accounts a day.

“We steal at least 10 accounts a day depending on there levels. If you talk shit we will mod on your account until it is banned,” says the group on its web site.

How is it done? The clan says that it rings up Xbox Live customer support pretending to be the victim.

Whether the group is just boasting, or whether the site is even real, is difficult to know, but certainly victims’ stories tend to indicate that theft and fraud are a real problem on Xbox Live. And it would seem that it´s taken a call from the media for Microsoft to actually do anything about it.

Microsoft´s advice to anyone who thinks they´ve had their account hacked is to call the support number 1 800 4MY XBOX.


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