Lincoln McCardle Before He Was Famous – Twittens

A couple of years ago a skinny, scruffy, red headed fellow stumbled across this blog. He sent me a few messages stating that he liked the blog and was thinking of starting one himself. I offered him words of encouragement and later found out that he had started I visited his site daily for some comedic relief.

We started talking on the phone and learning about each other and began to realize that our lives were, in ways, uncannily similar. We were both red headed, both married, both had one child, and we both had another child on the way. Later on, we found out that we were both having boys. I know you’re saying, that could happen to anyone, so here is the kicker. My wife and I had picked the name of what we would name our child early in the pregnancy. We picked a boys name and a girls name until we found out the sex. Interestingly enough Lincoln and his wife had picked the same name for their son that we did. Well, it’s the same other than the fact my sons name is spelled with a “K” and theirs with a “C”. Our wives had our children withing a few weeks of each other, and all was well.

After the birth of my son, my life was busy and I slowly drifted away from the blog and the friends I had made online. I still kept in touch via Facebook as much as I could. I noticed that last year Lincoln got to run while holding the Olympic Torch and he started talking about something called Twittens. He seemed to post about them more and more frequently and begin posting pictures of them.

Much to my surprise this morning after watching this video on his latest blog post that I realized he actually invented these things.

So Lincoln, I would like to congratulate you on your success so far and can only hope that it carries you even farther. And I would also like to say to you, “You’re Welcome”. If you never would have discovered this blog, you probably wouldn’t have went down the path that took you to Twittens. ;p

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