My Life Story

When Hollywood decides to film my life story, I expect that the finale will be a masked ball to which all current, past, and future presidents will be invited. Along with the rest of the free world. The masks are obviously required in the interests of confidentiality.

However, my question is:

Who would YOU like to represent YOU on screen?

(Since it’s only hypothetical, you can choose people who are alive or dead.)

In case you wondered, Adam Savage will be playing me. Our resemblance is sometimes uncanny, so it has to be him. 🙂

5 thoughts on “My Life Story”

  1. That’s a tough call. I have people tell me that I look like someone all the time. The problem is that none of the celebrities look remotely like each other. In the last month I have gotten Sting, Doogie Howser and the guy that plays ‘House’ on the TV show of the same name. Of course, if I get to pick I’ll go with one I got about a year ago – CHUCK NORRIS!

    Canuckleheads last blog post..We Have A Winner!

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