Strange Google Searches

I like to check in every now and again to see what keywords people are using on any particular day whilst performing their google searches. I was looking this morning, and I noticed that the term “apples and oranges” was one of the top search trends from yesterday. That naturally piqued my interest. It is a fairly common phrase and I hear it a lot in the office. I quickly clicked on the link to see what the related searches were. That is when things took a turn in a direction that I hadn’t really thought of before. I captured an image to share with you. Pay special attention to what it says under “Related Searches”.

fruit up my ass?

The first thing that popped into my mind was “Why would someone be searching for the phrase Fruit Up My Ass?” But even more interesting than that was the fact that there is a url right beside that phrase, and that URL is Then I began to think, “Hey, maybe this ass fruit stuff is pretty popular. Maybe it’s a fetish that I have never heard about. Maybe I’m really missing out on something fantastic!” Couple that with me being the most curious person I know, I simply couldn’t resist the temptation.

I prepared myself before I clicked by exercising my eyelid reflexes. You never when you might have to close your eyes quickly…especially when viewing a sight like this. A quick glance around the room to make sure the wife was nowhere around, and I quickly clicked the link. What I found was not at all what I expected to find.

Did I see fruit going in someones ass? No, I did not. Did I see fruit that had came out of someones ass? Not since this morning….nope. What I saw was the Comedy Central homepage. Go ahead and click the link above. See for yourself.

This begs the question, “Why does redirect to the Comedy Central homepage? And, if doesn’t actually have those pictures just where would I go to find them?”

What is also interesting is that a lot of people seem to be searching for Butters new song called What What In The Butt, or What What In My Butt.

7 thoughts on “Strange Google Searches”

  1. The reason for that search was Lewis Black’s “Root of All Evil” that aired last night. In it, during a debate between Youtube and Porn, Lewis makes the joke that he googled for Apple and Oranges, and ended up at

  2. Sorry to ruin your mystery, but I can tell you exactly why you found those results. Lewis Black’s The Root of all Evil. Last night’s episode was youtube vs. porn, in the episode Lewis claimed to have googled apples and oranges and been directed to . Sorry if you were hoping for something better in the way of an explanation.

  3. Oh that is too funny! I’ll have to start checking the trends as well. ๐Ÿ˜€
    And I know what you mean about the whole “shut the eyes” thing. Sometimes you just can’t click the back button fast enough. Found that out recently when someone told me to google “goatse” and I’ve never been the same since! ๐Ÿ™

    Diamond Digger’s last blog post..Redneck Easter

  4. Pheww, Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm glad Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm not the only one who searches for ass fruit every day on Google :oops:

    Ass Fruit, I believe, is more commonly known as dingleberries. ๐Ÿ™‚

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