I had the ol’ snip snip, and it wasn’t too bad mind you. I am still sitting around taking it easy, but the pain is next to nothing. Whatever drugs the good Doctor prescribed me, well…Â I like ’em! They numb me pretty good, and don’t make me drowsy at all. In fact, I find myself quite antsy from all the sitting around. I have used the time to get caught up on a lot of the programming recorded on my DVR.
I am currently getting up to speed on the following shows:
- House
- Ghost Hunters
- Mythbusters
- Dirty Jobs
- Friday Night Lights
I also have a few movies recorded that I need to watch. I can’t quite remember what those are though.
That’s all I have to say for now, this computer chair is makin the ol’ sack hurt a little bit, and it’s time for me to take another pain pill.
Until next time, folks.
I have no idea what the traditional thing to say here is?
Get well soon? Happy recovery sex?
They say the first cut is the deepest?
I didn’t know you were broke but congrats on getting ‘fixed’?
Really … I’m at a loss here.
Anyway – all the best.
Canuckleheads last blog post..Where the Wild Things Are …
I read an article a while back in which the gentleman undergoing the procedure described the process and his anxities in great detail. I believe he said the scariest part was when the nurse’s assistant pulled out a razor and said, “ok I am going to give you a shave.”
Ultimately, he said he didn’t feel right bitching because his wife had carried and delivered their three children.
So I guess you just have to look at the experience from the perspective that you are merely taking one for the team.
i felt the same think that “Canucklehead ” felt….
just: Wish you all the best!
I have actually seen the process live, and it is not the big deal most men make it out to be. I hope you are recovering nicely.
Tims last blog post..December
Get well soon and be happy!
Note to self: Stay the hell away from this Tim guy …
Canuckleheads last blog post..Play Until You’ll Dino-SORE!
So….how’re the balls?
Stephanies last blog post..HP Giveaway and Moooooooooosh!