Looking for some weird punting fun? This piece takes a look at some of the weirdest slot machines ever created. Some of these are very bizarre!
Monty Python’s Spamalot
In the early days of this slot, many Monty Python fans were angry that the team has sold out their name to a gambling product. However, it was quickly established that the team had nothing to do with it. Some say the Spamalot crew pays Monty Python for using the Grail script but that’s just about it. No one is sure. The slot has all the basics you’d expect from Spamalot with animations, bizarre flying cows and a knights cameo.
Cash n Curry
If you have ever wanted to play a curry themed slot machine, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. It was designed by Microgaming but is now featured on most online casinos like the ones here newcasinosonline.org. Cash and Curry is basically about lining up pappadums, limes and chillies on the reels. There is a bonus game where you have to line up a combo of chicken baltis. With three baltis in a row, you have won!
Obama Slots
Not surprised are you? He is the leader of the free world and is thus very popular. What is better than enjoying some gambling fun in the company of the President of the United States? It’s not just Obama on the reel though. You will find some of the most famous bygone presidents such as Lincoln, Kennedy and Washington. Line up three of them and you get a payout. Line up three Obamas and you get an even bigger payout.
40 Shades of Santa
It is very bizarre for anyone to associate Santa with something erotic. Tell that to the lads at Paddy Power who came up with this weird slot machine. If you didn’t know already, it is a combination of 50 Shades of Grey and Santa Claus. The images on the reels of this slot include masks, handcuffs, lips, a sexy misses Claus, etc.
Judge Judy
You probably know the no nonsense judge from TV. She is popular so it was only a matter of time before she got her own slot machine theme. The images on the reel include law books, an American flag, a gavel, random court pictures etc. Depending on how well you play, you can get into the bonus round known as ‘You make the call’. Here, you will be shown famous clips from Judge Judy’s shows and you will be given the chance to guess the outcome and earn bonus multipliers. If you get sucked into this part of the game, you could literally go hours on it!
Which of these are you playing first?