West Virginia State Fair 2008 Photos

The State Fair of West Virginia (which has been known to kill your Checking Account in one fell swoop) started on Friday, the 8th of August. Me, the wife, and pinkster (my daughter) went on Saturday. I decided to bring along my camera to see what I could capture.

I could go through these photos and add elaborate description to each one, but I’m not going to do that. I will add a description to the few that seem worthy enough. I thought about counting kids that look like Pugsley again, but soon realized that I probably wouldn’t be able to count that high.

4 thoughts on “West Virginia State Fair 2008 Photos”

  1. Somehow you managed to take a picture of my aunt and uncle–7th row, first picture.

    What do you suppose the odds of that are?

  2. I about 98% certain that the man and women in the center of the picture are my relatives. The man is wearing jeans and a black hat, and the women is wearing jean shorts and a blue shirt.

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