Christy Thinks I’m Fabulous!

Totally Fabulous!Christy from Writers Reviews thinks that I am Totally Fabulous, and presented me with this wonderful award to prove it.

According to Christy, this award is going to be given to those bloggers who are fun, cool, and of course Totally Fabulous!

I can pass this award along to 5 people as long as I link back to Ann and Christy, the original creators. Let’s see…. who should I choose?

First off, I have to give it to my blogger buddy Mike from Ordinary Folk.

Second, I will pass it along to Tish from The Kat House.

I will return the favor and pass it back to Christy of Christy’s Coffee Break. (Yes, it’s the same Christy from Writers Reviews.

Any type of “Fabulous” award deserves to go to Mr. Fab himself from Pointless Drivel.

Last but not least, I want to pass it along to Colleen and her Sweet Ass.

There you have it, the Fab five in my book. That’s not all, of course, but I don’t want to be a blogger hog. :mrgreen:

~This award was designed by Mike Wheeler of Ordinary Folk. If you would like to have a cool blog badge, award, or special profile picture created then contact the artist for his rates. ~