It is almost time for that economic stimulus package that we have been hearing so much about. What are you going to with yours?
If we spend that money at Walmart, all the money will go to China; if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India; if we spend it on gasoline, it will all go to the Arabs…and none of these scenarios will help the American economy.
We need to keep the money here in America so….the only way to do that is to drink beer, gamble, or spend it on prostitution…currently, it seems that these are the only businesses left in the U.S.
I suppose that most of mine will go toward the purchase of Miller Light. 🙂
I’ve read and heard on various news shows, and I agree, that most people won’t even spend theirs. They will use it to pay down debt which won’t help the economy at all. I personally will be spending mine on a nice Ovation acoustic-electric guitar so at least that money will stay in the country.
Before I even started reading my first thought was to spend it on a hooker and a twelve pack in Vegas after playing some black jack.
Jim – Just a Guy’s last blog post..Strange things are afoot at the Circle K
I suppose I need to actually file my taxes if I want it. *Sigh* I hate filing taxes. It makes me so angry if I end up owing the State of Arizona like $5.00. I am actually angry over the small amounts, that they waste my time for $5.00. Probably taking a Valium and then doing them isn’t a good idea.
Mandi’s last blog post..Yard Sale! People bought our worthless crap!
In all truthfulness, mine will be going into savings. 😈
I love BlackJack!
If you owe the state of WV anything, even $0.50 you are expected to pay it. If the state owes you anything under $2.00 you have to send a separate letter and request it! 😡
I’m going to fill my gas tank. If there is a buck left, I’ll buy a lottery ticket.
jake titus’s last blog post..The Female Mind
Oil prices are down about $10 per barrel compared to last week. I haven’t seen any gasoline prices drop though… 👿
Our dollar sucks. Our interest rates are too high. Oil prices are like bananas.
American economy sucks.
Andrew Gunther
You wrote this post about a year ago and still our economy sucks! We need to get back to saving America! Start by buying American products and forcing these companies to bring back products to America for our workers.