I Am Addicted To… Cold Pizza?

It had better be cold...
It had better be cold...

My name is Bucky and I am an addict….

I am addicted to cold pizza. Anytime we have cold pizza I make sure that there is enough left over for the next morning so that I can have it for breakfast.

Why does cold pizza taste so good to me?

I enjoy it so much more than when it’s hot. Is anyone else like me? My wife thinks I am a nut, but she doesn’t just get that from this.

(Un)fortunately(?) I’m also addicted to cold chicken, and for the sake of a laugh – cold turkey!

I will eat pretty much anything cold.

We had pizza yesterday and this morning I ate a leftover piece for breakfast. It was so much better than it was last night.

Does anyone else enjoy this strange little fetish-y type of thing with me?