A great thing to wake up to on Easter Morning…

SNOW, and lots of it.

Just last week we had temperatures in the 80′, THE 80’S!

The temperature when I got up this morning was 11. That’s cold for a February morning! I am really beginning to hate snow, I truly am. We got several more inches overnight, but it is supposed to back up in the 60’s by the weekend…I can only hope. 🙁

I need to go dig some more ramps. 🙂

I went and examined our fruit trees earlier. All of the blooms have turned brown. I assume they have perished. If they survive, it will surprise me.


4 thoughts on “A great thing to wake up to on Easter Morning…”

  1. My youngest son spent his spring break last week with my mom in Oceana, WV. He couldn’t believe he got to see snow! He was glad to get back to the warmer weather here in South Carolina.

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