I found a photo over at Kat’s Random Thoughts that stopped me in my surfing tracks. Have a look:
Do you see what is going on there? There are men in a pool that have an electrical power strip floating on the water by two, count ’em, two sandals / flip flops. I can’t quite make out what they are running the electricity to, but I can clearly see that there are several bottles of beer involved. One tiny little wave and everyone in pool gets electrocuted. Smart, very smart. Perhaps someone is trying to cash in on their life insurance policies?
It’s a joke photo that has been around for about 2 months or more, by techie IT people originally posted on a techie forum for a laugh. Nobody died because it was not a real pic but a joke.
Isn’t that the craziest picture you’ve ever seen? Thanks for the pingback, most people just take stuff!
Now that wouldn’t be very nice. 🙂
Bucky, it’s natural selection at work, that’s all. We want these idiots in this pool so they won’t stay in our gene pool. ;o)
The photo is humorous, I’ll grant you that.
However, the assumption that the people in the pool are idiots is wrong.
Did you stop to consider that the electrical cord is not plugged in; that there is no electrical current actually running through that wire to the middle of the pool?
The guys in the pool are probably having a good laugh about how their little gag photo has got so much attention on the internet from people who mock them for being so stupid as to run a live wire through water, but who are stupid enough to believe they would actually do such a thing.
a JOKE photo?!
I don’t really see the humour.
Anyway, I saw this photo somewhere else and it was noted that it is a European-style plug – you can take from that what you will ….
That’s what I call trying to go out in style. 😀
Are there Rednecks anywhere in Europe?
This is a very funny picture and a nice story. I would be nice If I see more of that good stuff. 😆
OMG that stopped me in my tracks too! i hope the other end is not plugged in!
i got one for you a true story. A guy tried used the vacuum cleaner on a particular bodypart.
Hope to see the “aftermath” of that scenario, LOLS. 😆