In Hillary We Trust

Money talks and at the moment it’s saying “In Hillary We Trust”.

(Tradition has it that wagers were placed on George Washington’s first election, and recorded wagering dates as far back as the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln.) As it turns out, wagering on the elections has turned out to be a significantly more accurate indicator of who will win than scientific opinion polls.

The money has been correct in Every Australian election since betting started, but it’s still a little bit early for a dead certainty with the US Presidentials elections – afterall the CIA still has a year to “disappear” Hillary laugh.gif But assuming she stays among the living till election time, it will have to take some massive event to change the outcome IMO. Another war won’t cut it this time for a Republican & the only way another major terrorist attack would atrract a Republican vote is if it happened the day before the elections – so that Homeland Security & FEMA didn’t have time to screw things up!

William Hill in Britain has Hillary @ 2/1 ON or 1/2, next closest is Rudy Giuliani @ 9/2, followed by Obama at 7/1. Both the 2 men are gross unders IMO, if I was a bookie looking to recoup some money from Hillary, I’d stick a 1 in front of their odds. 19/2 for Rudy & 17/1 for Obama

Sportingbet in Australia has Hillary @ 5/4 ON, Rudy Giuliani @ 6/1 and Al Gore (who hasn’t even nominated & probably won’t) @ 11/2

I wonder if Vegas is going to be getting in on this action? All those guys relaxing in their leather home theater seating have to come up with some good odds…no?

The best indicator is the weight of money on a bookies board – and at the moment the money is shouting “HILLARY”.

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