One of my coworkers mentioned that there was a swarm of bees gathered in a hedge around the parking lot of the company across the street. I desperately tried to get in touch with my common sense, but the photographer in me won out as usual.The bees allowed me to approach fairly close at first. After about three shots they started to show a little agitation at my proximity and attention. I grabbed one more photo, then made a calm (but hasty) retreat under the close, (too close,) observation of my “fighter escorts”. I was never stung, only menaced, and one bee kept ramming itself into me.
I was explaining to my friends the plight of the disappearing honeybees around the country in the safety of the Lab where we work, and telling them how any beekeeper would be glad to come collect this swarm if they were notified. I was horrified to see an exterminator in protective clothing, obviously called by the company in whose parking lot the bees were resting, spraying the swarm with insecticide.
–Stan S.
Unfortunately, things like this incident are the reason that there is even a plight when it comes to the honeybees. I’m sure the strange climate changes we’ve experienced have something to do with it, but killing a large group of bees such as this is NOT going to help the situation.
They definitely didn’t need to die. The only thing they were worried about at the time was keeping the “new” queen protected, and finding a new home.
If need be, no pun intended, call someone to relocate the bees. No need to kill them.