Thanks to Tish…for the Community Blogger Award!
This award recognizes those bloggers who “reach out and make the blogger community a better one.†These bloggers do much more than just blog. They actively participate in the community aspect of blogging.
I’m glad to know that I am getting recognized. 🙂 I would like for my next award to be something along the line of tv lifts. Thanks. 🙂
Thank you, Bucky. I appreciate it! -Jos:)
Your Welcome!
Yikes, Bucky, thanks a million and a half, just to make up for inflation. 😀
Your very welcome!
And I like the new look, by the way, except that I get cold just looking at the banner out of the corner of my eye.
It’s snowy time here again, so I thought I should winterize the blog.
Well, thank you!!! Honored, flattered and grinning ear to ear!
Your welcome, Kathy. 🙂