It’s time for the annual spring secret sound contest from K92! This is the first one of the year, and as usual, I will put the sound clip here, and keep the clues updated every morning.
Now, for the sound:
[audio:k92_ss1_2008.mp3]And, the clues as of 4-28-08:
(Current cash prize is over $3600)
1. Computer command
2. This sound has two parts
3. William, Roger and James
4. “H” and “A”
5. You’re gonna miss this
6. Google and quicken
7. Long road to ruin
8. Rockefeller Center attraction
9. One safe screw
10. Black and blue
11. A religious experience
12. New moon
13. Carpenters and Chicks
14. 800 Feet in the desert air
15. Casey’s Coast To Coast
16. Crafty Chef’s Other Gig
17. Post 9/11 arm
18. Virginia-Based Game Maker
19. Walla Walla retreat
20. Smoky Mountain Song
21. Officially one of seven
22. Breaking Britney
23. The land of ram scrotum
24. Population 316,000
25. Made by magical elves
26. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago
27. Brother, Sister, #1 Hit.
28. Stone’s weapon of choice.
29. Plank Road Brewery
30. Maker or Breaker
31. Electric Blue Band
The Clues are updated every morning. Please bookmark this page and check back daily for the latest clues and updates until someone wins.
There was a winner on April 29th @ 7:30 am. The answer was “Someone putting ice in a cocktail shaker, and putting the top on.”
Total movie or tv reference. I almost feel like I should know what it is.
The Movie Whore’s last blog post..Wise words
I think I know the answer; do I just call them, or is there a way to submit it?
You have to be caller 19 at a specific time Mon.-Fri. It is pretty close to the half of the hour everytime.
I definitely think I know it. I was called 19 this morning but that was before I got a chance to look at all the clues.
Also, clue #11:
A religious experience
Make sure to add that one.
I added that clue this morning. Thanks!
I don’t have the slightest inkling of what it might be. There clues are so vague… but I guess that is a good thing to keep the prize money rising. 🙂
Anyone been caller 19? I have a good guess but I haven’t been 19 yet. I’ve been 17, 5, 2, 9 and just about everything but 19.
And clue 12 was “New Moon”
dude i know it but i can’t get caller 19 and that is sooooooo much money
what was the 7:30 clue for 04/16/08?
That’s what I was wondering. I know that clue 14 was “800 Feet in the Desert Air” but I missed the one for this morning.
i have only been caller number 18, 17, 15 & 3. I cannot piece the clues together this time.
i think it was casey’s coast to coast.
I think I’ve got most of the clues. At least I can get most of them to relate to the same thing so I might have a good guess but I can’t get through to see if it’s right. Anyone have a list of all the previous guesses?
did anyone get the clue 2nd clue on 04/16/08 at 6:30pm?
a chefs second gig. maybe?
We’ve been caller 19 twice in one day…but wrong guesses.
Thanks ;o) Did you anyone get the clue this morning? I was away from my desk. I have manage to narrow some of the clues. Still can’t figure out what H and A mean.
These clues have really confused me. I can’t seem to figure out any of them. 😕
I think I have them, some of them are kind of a stretch for me though. 🙄
Man these clues are random. I have listened to the sound intently and i cant get anything,lol. I must say it does make for something to do on a boring night. 😕
Another clue I heard last evening was “Virginia based game maker”
Theres a new clue, “Virginia-Based Game Maker”, I think with this clue and the wrong guess around 11am today. I might have a decent guess.
Did anyone get the 11:30 clue for 04/23/08 ?
26. San Francisco, Miami, Chicago
last time i checked the prize was up to 2909
DID anyone get the clue for 04/25 at 10:30am – unfortunately i was in a meeting. i missed the clue
30. Maker or Breaker
did anyone get the clue for 04-28-08 10:30am???
Clue 31. Electric blue band
i think we should all collaborate our guesses on here… does anyone else think it could be a sword fight of some kind?
It’s definitely not a sword right. It has something to do with ice. Just try to look up some of the clues.
I dont think it has to do with ice as much as music….i have been every number except 19 dang it I think we need to start posting the clue and the guesses we hear so we at least know what not to guess
Well to let everybody know it’s someone putting ice into a cocktail shaker and putting the lid on it was guessed at 7:30 this morning
Follow the secret sound guesses on Twitter.