After looking at ellipticals for an hour or so, I had nothing better to do, so I figured I would make a few de-motivational posters at If you’ve never made any demotivators, you should try it out. It’s great fun, and before you know a couple of hours have passed. Feel free to link to your favorite demotivators in your comments. Or, create your own and put a link up to them.
Haha, looks like a fun site to play around on… I’ll have to remember it for the next time I’m bored. 🙂
Friggas last blog post..There Is A Bomb On This Bus
The asshole one is my fav. That’s a great site! Thanks for sharing.
Some very excellent original demotivational posters.
Personally, I think the “Crabs” one is the best of the bunch.
Jinksys last blog post..Motivated Aphrodisiac