Someone Luvs My Blog!

Luv Yer Blog!  ;pA big thank you to Mike and Tish over at Blogs We Love for the award!

Mike says:

Tish and I thought it would be fun to award some blogs which have not yet been featured here as a way to show a little more love to those we feel deserve it. ….if those blog owners choose to, they’re more than welcome to pass along the award to other blogs which they love to read as well and so on.

I will gladly put this award over in my sidebar, and pass it on to a couple of the many blogs that I love.

The recipients of the I <3 your blog award are:

Christy from Christy’s Coffee Break

Bush Mackel from

And of course I feel that both of the creators deserve this award because I read their blogs on a daily basis.

Tish from The Kat House

Mike from Ordinary Folk

There you have it, the latest and greatest recipients of the I Love Your Blog Award!

9 thoughts on “Someone Luvs My Blog!”

  1. Thank you! What a cool award, it’s like a blog bumper sticker. I did the ten questions over at Blogs We Luv so I hope I still qualify. Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate it:) Have a great day! :mrgreen:

  2. @Christy – I’m sure you still qualify. I was told I could give it freely. :mrgreen:

    @Mike – Of course you get your own award. It just wouldn’t be right if you didn’t!

  3. Thanks, Bucky! I told Mike the other night that I hoped somebody would give me the award eventually. Hehe, I certainly didn’t expect it so soon! Thank you!


  4. @Tish – Yea, Mike told me to give you the award so you wouldn’t feel bad 😉 ….(I keed! I keed!)

    @Bush – Nothin’ like that lovin’ feelin’, ‘eh?

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