At least (it looks like) you had the procedure done by the ‘scope method’. I had mine out when I was 19 or so. Thats when they whipped out the scapel and cut through your stomach muscles to remove it. A 2-3 month recovery period. That did blow.
Sweet jesus Bucky – sorry I’m so late to the pity party!
In all seriousness, I hope you are okay. I heard those apendixesapendixs apendi are way overrated anyway. Get well soon!
Oh, almost forgot – CHEERS!
Christ Bucky! Where you at boy?!
I came by to check in, only to be subjected to that damn picture again!
Well, with the money I’ll save on not buying lunch – I’ll buy a beer and offer a toast to your health.
Once again, blech.
Post, goddammit! Even if it’s just to say ‘I feel like shit and don’t feel like posting… Back soon’…
Ya can’t stop posting after an emergency op – you got readers on the other side of the world hangin’ on your every word… (me, in Australia, I got hooked about six months ago and have now read from start to finish… my boss – I got him into it on the same story that caught me.. his boss got the ‘snip’ earlier this year so i had to share your experiences… God knows where it will spread from here…)
End this cliff-hanger, and for God’s sake get back to work!
Holy crap! Dude! And you just recovered from the Snip-Snip! Recover soon, hon!
Coal Miner’s Granddaughters last blog post..It’s Up To Me To Stay Drug Free
Wait, did you have an alien put in – or taken out?
Kyras last blog post..The UnVacation
CMG – Yup, just recovered from that. And that bag of puss you see hanging there, it doesn’t feel good banging into my testicles.
Kyra – The alien grew inside me, and was ready to manifest its gooey self, but thankfully it was located and killed before that happened.
Emergency onset of appendicitis? I hear that eating lots of spicy foods will make you heal very quickly.
Avitables last blog post..$100 by any other name would still smell as sweet
Avitable – Yup, it happened very quickly. I don’t care much for spicy foods, and the doc loaded me up on pain meds.
Dude. Welcome to C-Section pain! 🙂
Evil Twin’s Wifes last blog post..I Did It!
At least (it looks like) you had the procedure done by the ‘scope method’. I had mine out when I was 19 or so. Thats when they whipped out the scapel and cut through your stomach muscles to remove it. A 2-3 month recovery period. That did blow.
Efens last blog post..Motivational Pics
ETW – Gee…. thanks. 🙂
Efen – Yup, it was the scope method. I should only have a 3-4 week recovery period before getting back to 100%.
You should be getting used the surgery thing, what’s next? tonsils? Spleen? Pancreas? Kidney?What else can you get rid of and survive?
Tims last blog post..nothing much here
Hopefully nothing! I made it 29 years without ever having a surgery, and hopefully I can go another 29.
Stephanies last blog post..Why I roll with who I roll…with…or something.
Yea, well, … ummm…
Sweet jesus Bucky – sorry I’m so late to the pity party!
In all seriousness, I hope you are okay. I heard those
apendixesapendixsapendi are way overrated anyway. Get well soon!Oh, almost forgot – CHEERS!
Canuckleheads last blog post..NBA Jam
Apparently someone sucks at XHTML – my bad!
Canuckleheads last blog post..NBA Jam
At least you made it!
I got that tube pulled out today. That hurt like a BITCH!
Wow, I didn’t realise that the incision for an appendectomy was quite so big! Pretty scary… how long will it take for you to completely heal up?
How ’bout a new post there sunshine? Nothing personal, but I don’t know how many more times I can stand to look at that gut of yours …. BLECH.
Canuckleheads last blog post..The Curious Case of Canucklehead’s Facial Hair
Christ Bucky! Where you at boy?!
I came by to check in, only to be subjected to that damn picture again!
Well, with the money I’ll save on not buying lunch – I’ll buy a beer and offer a toast to your health.
Once again, blech.
Canuckleheads last blog post..What The Flying Elephant?!!!
C’mon mate…. you’re worrying me here…
Post, goddammit! Even if it’s just to say ‘I feel like shit and don’t feel like posting… Back soon’…
Ya can’t stop posting after an emergency op – you got readers on the other side of the world hangin’ on your every word… (me, in Australia, I got hooked about six months ago and have now read from start to finish… my boss – I got him into it on the same story that caught me.. his boss got the ‘snip’ earlier this year so i had to share your experiences… God knows where it will spread from here…)
End this cliff-hanger, and for God’s sake get back to work!
Sorry for no new posts in a long time. I have been very busy with the new job, and with family things. I just don’t have much time to do this anymore…