I want to know what everyone got for Christmas. Please spill it, and let us all know.
I got:
- A new cell phone
- A stealth cam trail camera
- An XBOX 360
The wife got:
- A new cell phone
- A camo bed set that she was dying to have
- A Nintendo DS.
Together, we bought ourselves a new tv stand.
The kids:
- Lets just say that they racked up again this year.
So what about you and yours? What did you get?
How on earth are you guys every going to find time to use two gaming systems with two small kids?
As far as what I got for Christmas. To say I am practical, might be construed as somewhat of understatement. I got:
1) a new Coleman Lantern (my old one was at least as old as I am),
2) a new sleeping bag (after fifteen years the cover on my old wore out),
3) a set of German made tire chains for my truck,
4) and some cash.
My wife’s dad bought “the family” a Wii. He got a package on Ebay that came with the console, two remotes, two steering wheels for Mario Cart, two nun-chucks, the Wii fit board, and the software (games) for the above mentioned devices.
My wife is addicted to Mario Cart, so it is probably a good thing that we came back to Switzerland without it.
I got a PSP! Woohoo! 🙂
I have the gift of getting to live in Dublin, Ireland for 2 years!…lol
And I got to put up a tree without the usual ‘guff’ from the hubby. 🙂
We decided to go ‘light’ this year!
(Oooh, and someone my husband works with just returned from a visit to the US and she thoughtfully brought me back a suitcase full of yarn, crochet hooks, knitting needles and patterns!!! So we can call that a belated Christmas present from the hubby since he paid for it all.)
Garrick – It’s tough to do actually. But we are working out a plan. She will handle the kids while I play, and I will handle the kids while she plays. Win – Win!
BCS – Nice!
Stephanie – Ireland? I hear they have some great drinks over there. 🙂
I got….shit, I can’t remember! Oh wait. I got an iPhone (which I can’t put down because it’s so gadgety and flashy and cool and stuff)..and I got a massage certificate (note to all men: give massage certificates as gifts!)…and I got, um, a bunch of other shit I can’t remember.
I gave my wife a massage certificate last year. She absolutely loved it. 🙂
Let’s see, I received a beautiful silver necklace from my mom, a lap pad with cooling fan for my MacBook Pro, and a ton of chocolate. Ty-man’s big gift was a Bluetooth earpiece for his iPhone and the kids? Good Lord. I clean up their Christmas gifts every day.
CMG – I know what you mean about the kids… jeez.