Nuts On Your Truck?

Well, I don’t know if any other parts of the country are being afflicted with this epidemic, but it is spreading like wildfire here in WV. It seems that certain people think it is really cool to hang a pair of balls from the back of their vehicle. No, not basketballs or baseballs, but testicles.

It’s usually raised pickup trucks or more macho types of cars like old hot rods whose owners feel it necessary to affix the nuts, because lord knows anyone who doesn’t drive those types of vehicles does not have balls.

Here is the first hit google gives you when you type in “truck nuts”:

Truck Nuts

I think these type of ‘hey look at me’ gimmicks and devices only serve to make the people who display this stuff look really stupid. In fact, if you display these, you are displaying the fact that you are an asshole. If you have balls, why do you think it’s necessary to display them? I think it just means that you don’t have ‘balls’ and are just trying to con everyone. If you have ‘balls’ there is no need to display them, just let your actions exemplify that fact. I would much rather spend my hard earned cash on car covers to protect my vehicle.

12 thoughts on “Nuts On Your Truck?”

  1. You’re lucky. We’ve been dealing with truck nuts down here in Texas for years. It’s been 8 since I graduated from college, and the frat boys (ok, and some of us jocks) had them on their trucks. They come in all colors and sizes. To be honest, I thought it was funny at first, but it quickly got old.

  2. It’s just a stupid joke and, just that kind of stupid-funny thing. But I think Derrich is right, it already got old.

  3. what is funny is that i have seen some that just have large metal nuts (like the ones you see at the bottom of like a roller coaster support) suspended by a wire. i give them points for being clever.

  4. If you dont like testicles on your pickup, just move out of the redneck zone.

    I think most of the US now lives in a “Redneck Zone”.

    You’re lucky. We’ve been dealing with truck nuts down here in Texas for years. It’s been 8 since I graduated from college, and the frat boys (ok, and some of us jocks) had them on their trucks. They come in all colors and sizes. To be honest, I thought it was funny at first, but it quickly got old.

    I was stunned when I saw the first one… I’m surprised that they are legal. If everyone started using 12″ dildos as their hood ornament, I wonder if people would feel differently about the sagging nuts?

    Actually those are some pretty small balls for such a big truck.

    Everyone isn’t blessed…. :mrgreen:

    what is funny is that i have seen some that just have large metal nuts (like the ones you see at the bottom of like a roller coaster support) suspended by a wire. i give them points for being clever.

    That is clever! And quite a bit less disgusting.

  5. If you dont like testicles on your pickup, just move out of the redneck zone.

    If you dont like testicles on your pickup, just move out of the redneck zone.

    I looked them up because today I saw two coconuts hanging at slightly different levels from the back of a pickup, and on the same drive home two dirty socks with balls inside them, at slightly different levels on another.

    I live in SO Cal, and unless you consider Los Angeles and Long Beach “redneck” areas, I would say that this has definitely spread further.

  6. while my niece’s husband was deployed in iraq for 18 months, i left new york city to live in ft bragg with her to help with her three children. my great 9 year old grand nephew went to a school for advanced kids that was outside of his district so it required that we drop him off and pick him up every day. it was a five mile journey that took us through the heart of the base. one day driving home i spotted a souped up 77 monte carlo a distance ahead of us that looked like it had a pair of nuts hanging off the back. i ask my grand nephew if he saw what i saw and he thought i was kidding. so, i zoomed ahead and caught up with the monte carlo, painted a metal flake purple and sure enough it had a huge lavender sack of nuts hanging off the back. my grand nephew and i were in stitches. he said to me, “where’s the dick?” and i told him, “he’s driving the car!”

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