Just a quick update to let you folks know that ramps are now for sale. The first shipments went out Monday (3-30-09) and I expect shipment to continue weekly for several weeks. Visit https://bloggingwv.com/wild-ramps-for-sale/ for pricing information.
Very cool. My wife loves to cook with fresh vegetables. I’ll order some right now.
Avitables last blog post..Don’t look!
I can’t find one frickin ramp patch around here! Grrr.
I’m going to take a pass on these ramps you speak of but I hope and trust things are well.
If I’ve been quiet lately, its only because I cannot leave you a comment at work. I guess either the computer or IE does not like your comment dealio – anyway, that’s where I do most of my surfing.
Just wanted to say hi – HAPPY EASTER!
Canuckleheads last blog post..Happy Easter
Things are going well!
I don’t have much time to blog anymore, but considering the circumstances, right now, that’s a good thing!
Also, I have sold 24 pounds of ramps already, so that is keeping me pretty busy as well. 🙂
Fresh vegetables are always good for health. I like fresh vegetables.
I’ve had ramps one time while traveling. They were in some scambled eggs with fried potatos. Very tasty!
Erics last blog post..They Crucified My Lord
Oh yea I see the salesmen working out of the trunks of their cars everyday. Just another rite of Spring!
Dan Mihaliaks last blog post..Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Spring is now here, hurray!
I have bin looking for ramps to buy for years. Well since I became disabled. I have a friend who owns a restaurant and I’m trying to make his restaurant grow to bring in new patriots. And also a few so I can cook for me and my girlfriend Miann who’s been taken care of me so special dishes. For I love to cook fresh trout with ramps. And a friend of mine hunts Wildboar. And I would love to see how Wildboar and ramps would cook together.
Please notify me next year 2014 when ramps are for sale… love them
Just went out on our mountain looking for Morels and Ramps. Came back with at least 5lbs of Ramps and barely touched just one of 10 patches I saw. No morels seen yet though. Will have to search the other side of the mountain.