About a month ago this blog went from a PR5 down to a PR4. This wasn’t too bad compared to some of my favorite blogs around the net. They got slapped pretty hard. I thought all of this was over, so imagine my surprise when I awoke this morning and noticed that my PR has now been reduced to 2.
Now, it sucks. If one wants to make money online, they have to have a decent pagerank. Regardless of what Google says about not looking at pagerank as a representation of a websites value, with PR being around for so long, that is one of the major things people look at to determine a websites value.
I guess I can now officially join the “slapped by Google” crowd. This was a big blow to me though. I worked hard to get to where I was, and now the big G has to come in and do this. It really sucks man… it really sucks.
Part of me says forget about Google completely and stick to the other things on the net. But on the other hand, Google is such a huge part of the internet, it is kinda hard to forget about them.
The part that I don’t understand, if I were to link to something like Dallas Cowboys tickets, how does Google determine whether or not that is a paid link?
Anyone else get hit this weekend?
It’s a catch 22…If you have a high pagerank you can make good money with TLA and PPP. If you do that though, Google will lower your pagerank so that you cannot make good money with TLA and PPP. So, I figure, you can not make money with TLA and PPP
Wow, this is mighty strange. Three PR updates in one month???
None of our websites or blogs got hit this weekend, but I’m keeping an extra close eye on things just the same.
Luckily for the PPP posties, PPP is supposed to be releasing Argus this month. Argus is a tracking system unique to PPP that leads the advertiser to focus more on traffic, not PR. This blog receives a fair amount of traffic. It usually hovers around 2,000 page views per day. If I get dugg or stumbled that number increases dramatically for several days.
I don’t know if it’s actually a PR update, or just Google slapping certain blogs around. I’m tempted to stop using adsense and go with another advertiser.
Ugh, that sucks, buddy. You’re not alone though. A lot of bloggers saw yet another decrease this weekend. I’m still stuck on the PR2 that they lowered me back down to after briefly upgrading my blog to PR4. My other sites are still holding steady at PR4.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Google just eventually does away with page rank. If it’s a such a sour issue with them now, they may as well dump it. They’re the ones that created the mess in the first place. If they’re going to give websites a rank of importance, they should have been smart enough to know that it’s obviously going to determine their value and earning potential as well.
Agreed. I wish they would just abolish pagerank and be done with it.
Unlike TLA, PPP is punishing those of us with lowered PR 🙄 interesting snafu on their part.
Yea, and it sucks. 😕
I’m sorry this happened to you. As a new Blogger I really don’t know or care too much about Pageranks and such at this point. The reason for my visit is that I found you today at random – while checking out blogs. Yours is actually the blog that made me decide I would do it myslef – so many moons (read: about 6 months) ago. I’m still not sure whether to thank you or not – but I will. More importantly, I think one would like to know when their blog is making a difference – even if that directly results in increased competition. Well, not that I am really competition. Anyway – all the best and have a great day ❗
Cheers! Canucklehead
You’re welcome… I think. 😉
When does a blog make a difference? Depends. What are you wanting to make a difference in? Your life, or the life of others? My blog makes a difference in my own life because it gives me a place to vent, a place to brag, and a place to simply open up when I really don’t want to talk to anyone. And that is what I think a blog should be.
Hi Bucky, I did a check on my PR’s this weekend via iWebtools.com and found at least 5 data centers were down — so maybe this was causing the drop?
btw, I have awarded you – and not for no reason! – with the BtB award 🙂
Thanks! Working on the post now. 😉