Deer Killer!

No, the person in the photo below is not me. I couldn’t be so lucky as to kill a deer with a rack that large. I have had some luck bow hunting though. I killed a spike buck (hardly worth posing for a photo with) which is currently being eating on a regular basis. I plan on making my first batch of jerky for this year, this weekend. I firmly believe that eating jerky when you are hungry works just as good as any run of the mill weight loss pills.

Seeing as my deer wasn’t big enough to warrant a photo session, I present to you a deer and a dog that made a great photo.

Dog humps dead deer

9 thoughts on “Deer Killer!”

  1. The odds of seeing a deer that size in WV are slim to none. If the legislature would ever pass a law that stopped yahoos from shooting every spike buck in the woods on the first day of rifle season, you might have a chance of seeing a deer such as the one pictured in the photo.

    The terrain seems to indicate that the deer pictured is from Texas. Seeing the dog reminds me of the line from Platoon, “the only thing that come from Texas is steers and queers.”

    I was just looking at a map of WV that shows how each county voted in last nights election, and I noticed that Nicholas, Webster, and Braxton went for Obama. I was thinking about that and I cannot quite figure it out. While I am happy they went for Obama, I just can’t figure where the votes came from. I can’t remember having ever seen an African American in any of those counties, nor can I imagine that there a large numbers of young voters in those counties.

  2. Dutch – A bad day for sure.

    Garrick – I really thought that Greenbrier County would go pro Obama. There are (were) Obama signs everywhere.

    Canuck – Most people likes large racks. 🙂

    ETW – Glad you like it!

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